
Electric Chillers May Have Drawbacks

Thermax Inc is an India-based global supplier of a wide range of absorption cooling products. According to Rajesh Sinha, Business Development Manager with Thermax-USA, there is growing interest on the part of industrial operators in absorption technology. He states, “With rising electrical costs and problems associated with environmental compatibility of synthetic refrigerants, industrial sectors are finding more reasons to consciously shift away from electrically-driven compression type chillers.”
Thermax-USA partners with Trane in the U.S. market, and Singh notes that special opportunities can be found in pharmaceuticals and medical technology, where his company has seen a shift away from electric chillers towards absorption. “These companies look at 25 year equipment lifetimes, and for them crystal-gazing into the future is becoming increasingly difficult with the constantly evolving energy matrix and never ending environmental issues. Absorption technology provides the respite.”
According to Sinha, Thermax’s latest absorption cooling machines provide significant advances in design to extend the life of equipment and improve efficiency of operation. “With our range of capacity from 10 tons to 3500 tons, we can use a wide variety of heat sources.” He also points out that Thermax’s Multi-Energy Absorbers can simultaneously use multiple heat sources for a single machine. He stresses, “Absorption technology makes sense for industries with an eye on the future.”